SPIRITUAL BLAHS Mk 8:1-21 Jesus taught by word and action Demonstrating what the Father wanted Showing how the Father cared He was Lord and had great compassion for the people Feeding 4,000 with seven loaves of bread His disciples passed out...
Tag - Grace
MY SIGHT – MT. 7:4 I grasp the images of my youth Pain and evil swirling round Knowing all the while it’s through I’m rid of you Yet I hang on to those images Viewing again and again As a vacant tooth cries for a searching tongue I...
ALIVE IN CHRIST – EPH 2:1-10 Once dead-born that way-chose that way-going that way Just like the world-every single person a slave to sin Separates us totally from God-HE abhors sin Causes us to walk according to the spirit of the age...
EPH 1:1-3 WE THINK We think about God in our terms So limited – So disappointing Why this and why that -God should do this God doesn’t exist – God does exist like this Did God? – How can God? I can’t imagine God would –...
David cried out “my heart is not proud, my eyes are not haughty” Don’t trifle with God, HE knows your heart, pride will out, think this through He sees your eyes, Jesus knows you, every second, every look Set aside your pride, life is a common...
Nothing but Jesus’s power and wisdom saved me, evil is a powerful foe The Lord is on my side He is my defender I shout- praise the Lord for His great mercy, Jesus saves my soul Evil rose up to fight my faith Mankind is against me, evil accuses...
Lord you know me, the ins and outs of me I fail and blame others but the act was mine I need your mercy Father I look up to you and cry out for mercy We have walked many miles together I know you are there I believe that every thought you have...
O God heal my lying lips, my heart is hard, I protect myself Failure never my fault, it’s him or her, my upbringing Never would I admit, mean spiritedness, selfish devotion to sin It’s always someone else, never me, can’t you see how I’m...
Forgiven by Christ, empowered by God, filled with the Holy Spirit Speaking as God wants, living life to the fullest, each day knowing His presence Christ is the only true God, Father-Son-Holy Spirit, three in one, the only ONE Once enemies of...