I was alone Far away Inside I cried Help me No one cares I hurt each day Christ came He knew my pain His life, His blood Removed my stain He broke the bonds Christ set me free Christ brought me in His church my friend I was apart Christ drew me...
Tag - Christ
Peace, peace Each of us looking for peace Seeking it in strength, money, goods, friends, There is no peace in the world Peace is impossible without Christ Jesus makes all things possible Jesus is our peace Bringing us near to God Christ broke...
Complex the world says You can’t do it Look at what you’ve done Who do you think you are? Disappointment, failure and heartache Life’s theme Nothing has worked so far Jesus came seeking you “Ask me in and I will heal you” Curing your sin...
I want to I don’t God is king I’m not I live as though I knew my world Knew something about What would happen today Truth is I don’t know Life is a surprise-good and bad I need the Lord As much as I need air My soul suffers When I am living on...
Praise the Lord in everything you do Jesus is alive and He loves you Express your joy by how you live Rejoice every day Singing to God our Father In a multitude of ways Power in His Word Read it, remember it, respond to it The Word of God is...
Just a guest Filled with blues Jesus came I cannot lose All the ways I choose to live Does not change The strength God gives I’m HIS guest My life HIS gift With value and worth I cannot miss Inside I cry For all I’ve lost A foolish thought For...
Jesus deals with our enemies Crack, stealing, lying, hate, fear, loneliness, etc. Enemies all and conquered only by the power of the Lord Do not think that you can do it by yourself Only Jesus can conquer the enemy The world says I can do it Be...
God is in all and over all Creator, binder, facilitator Equipper, usurper, finisher All that is comes from God All that will be is known to God God before, now and forever Nothing surprises Him Nothing can escape Him His law is perfect He...
Who was Paul? In the family of God Why should the Romans receive him? I’m glad to share with you Paul was a believer in a personal relationship with God A bond slave Totally committed to Christ Eternally bound in Christ to the Father Willingly...