Tag - Obedience


THE GODLY MAN – PSALM 1 Don’t walk on the wild side, evil commands each day Nor stand with sinners, irreverent-hard hearted-don’t play Sitting down with sly men, committed to selfish sin Only causes failure, for a man trying to win Focus your...


Life is a journey, some old some new Always voices pulling at you Famous last words predicting our path We must learn to think and make good choices Who will we listen too? Daniel Webster ridiculed the purchase of California Today if it were a...


I – you – live beneath our privileges…. We serve an awesome God… He loves us totally Far beyond what we can think or see… He is with us in Christ He has written 7,000 plus promises in His Word.. Jesus Christ says yes to everyone of them His...


I can’t Lord – not that I’m not experienced – it’s scary – I would like to But I can’t It would require too much work – Choices I don’t want to make Send someone else It’s you I want – you I’m calling I will take care of you – I want you to be...


Dreary nights and wasted days My life seeks purpose Who do I follow? What do I say? I have a dream about useful, powerful days Christ gave me a new heart I’m walking toward Jerusalem He gives me sight His Word guides my steps This day I stand...

Choosing God – Isaiah 55

My life is full of choices, what I say trumped by what I do Eternal consequences steering me, what to do what to do My heart prods me, I have a need deeper than my soul Resolution to life’s drama, life and death-pain and desperation Calmly from...


Fearful world, chaotic mess, at war with the Prince of Peace Reaching out destroying me, while it proclaims “hath God said”, evil trailing me My life is troubled, my heart is sad, will rejoicing ever reach me “COME, Jesus said, “Follow me”, my...

THE BIBLE-Psalm 119:1-8

A song of Scripture instructing us, live this way for joy and peace, Keep your focus on the Lord, His law, His word, let obedience be your way Love the Lord and His Word will draw you like a magnet, pulling you to fellowship Strengthening...


WILLING I am willing Lord To be To serve To suffer for thee Now about that suffering I’m not crazy about Encourage me thru it Let me know I’m not stupid or weak Yet I am willing to be a fool for You Purge my mind My eye My heart So...

A PHONE CALL FROM GOD … 1 Thessalonians 2:11...

God is calling you To live your life In His kingdom For His glory What will you do? Will you live a worthy life? Not complaining about others Critical of self, accepting responsibility for your life Problem solver that helps and does not hinder...