HANG IN THERE (1 Cor 4:2)

Surrounded by the enemy, no place to hide
Bloom where you are planted, let Jesus stand by your side

Refuse to live like the world, where right is wrong
Wrong is right, hard for the Godly to abide

Don’t blame the world, it always acts like the world
Evil comes on gilded wings, hate seeks to rule

Fear not those who destroy the body, even though they inflict pain
Fear the Lord, He can destroy your soul

Obedience is where our walk begins, grounded in humility
Looking for God’s plan, surrendering claims the world holds

Love one another, as the Lord loves you
Forgiving those who hurt you, pray for their soul

Love the Lord with all of your heart, He loves you
Seeking time with our precious Lord, so you will know

Know the truth, it sets you free
Live in truth, His Word will organize you life

Withstand the evil one, by praying at the feet of Christ
Put aside all rancor, for the way the Lord controls

Build His work every day, the Lord will change you
Work hard, proclaim the Word, Jesus is the Way

Clay Corvin    April 4, 2012