Merciful God, Father, Your precious mercies are renewed each day
Great is Your Faithfulness, steadfast Your love
With the rising of the sun, You renew our chance to get it right
People count, You love people, You call us to love people like You do

We experience Your lovingkindness, we are desperate for Your presence
That calls us to love others as You love us, it fills the spiritual hole in our heart
Bringing us to understanding, expressing our fear, our reverence
We will do as You say Father, we will, we will, we will

Today I, we, all of us purpose to be Your servant, wanting to serve You
Self raises its ugly head, wanting what it wants when it wants it, ignoring God
Help us Father, we need You before we strike out on our own
Doing things our way, ignoring God’s way, Jesus intercede

God is love, He is merciful, He is kind, He is forgiving
Yet we stretch the hem of the garment, we cannot change the past
We cannot see tomorrow, filled with tragedy, overwhelming with grief
Jesus says “beloved let us love one another,” now while there is time

Promises, promises, God forgives in Christ
He laid out our life, a walk of forgiveness, but we digress
Forgetting is our strong suit, ignoring Christ’s way our inclination
But God in Christ never forgets us, He will never leave us

Great is our God, great is our God, His love never fails
His ways are different than our ways, His love complete, total
Reaching out to us, Jesus comes looking for us, saving us unto eternity, life like God’s life
Today is God’s day, He loves us, He is saving us, His love never fails

My life counts, Jesus has indelibly stamped me as His
You count, Christ calls me to love you, to forgive you, to ease your journey
I serve you, in serving you I find me, joy and peace follow me every day
Jesus is Lord, I serve my great and wonderful Savior, great is our God

Clay Corvin    November 25, 2020