What stops you, from being the holy creature God created you to be?
Which excuse are you using today?
The Father created you for fellowship. Time with Him.

Time is something no one has too much of.
No one gets to the end of their life and thinks, wow I had too much.
Here today and gone tomorrow. Like grass in the sun. Done.

Do you really want to be Holy? Is that foremost in your imagination?
Or like me do you ridicule your mind’s eye and discount your ability?
You see the evil one is seeding your life with failure, heartache and pain.

Life deals us such vivid blows that it’s hard to get our head around holiness.
Begin today. Don’t look back. Get alone with Jesus and ask him.
What is stopping me from being who You want me to be?

Jesus: “You are!” Your response: “Please explain?”
Jesus: “Your journey to holiness begins with repentance.
Sit with me and I will detail what I want you to do.”

Time to choose. Jesus or lose. Always our choice.
The Lord desires your presence, but He will not make you be holy.
All of the distractions of life pull us away. It breaks my heart my own laziness.

Step one today is repentance. Our lives are covered up with sin.
We try to judge our sin by others. I’m not as bad as…
But the truth is our sin is what is limiting our spiritual growth.

Step two is to take responsibility for your sin. I did it Lord and I’m truly sorry.
Step three is to turn to God and accept His grace and mercy.
Step four is to reorganize your life. Jesus number one.

Wickedness is defined as ignoring God. We all do it. We are all sinners.
Holiness is a gift from God as a result of our life lived for Him.
I want to be a world changer; therefore, I must change first. Begin.

Clay Corvin
October 23, 2021
North River