BE kind to the poor
The hurting
The alien at your door
Seek to help, to stand for
Be kind to the poor

The Lord will rescue you
He will see you through
Every heartache and failure
Protecting you and yours
If you are kind to the poor

Prosperity will follow you
The Lord will nurse you in sickness
He will restore your health
He will heal your sin
Protect your life
If you are kind to the poor

We are our brothers/sisters keeper
People count with the Lord
He uses us to help the abused
Healing our confusion
Life is often unfair
We must be kind to the poor

Lord I have so little
But I am wealthy in You
Help me to be kind to the poor
To give what I can
To do my best
To be kind to the poor

Clay Corvin
Jerusalem, Israel
January 9, 2019