I was made to worship You Lord
In the ups and downs of life
My focus strays
Pain and anguish stalk my day
Lord I am seeking to know You
Looking at your Word I find my error
I forget it’s all about YOU
Help me to see myself

Passionate living focused on anything but YOU
Results in frustration and disappointment
Life is frail and but a mist
Grabbing hold results in a momentary high
Followed quickly be a deep sense of loss
Sin is the constant enemy
Only in surrender will it be controlled
Worship is when I let You hold me

Today Lord I pray that I will make my life about You
What would You have me do?
Who must I forgive?
I will not run ahead of You even when it looks easy
My thoughts will gravitate to You
My emotions will be under Your control
When I look at others I will see you
People count most of all-I will Worship YOU

Today it is all about you Lord
I worship You
Praises to my King
I will sing about You in my heart
Where I am is Your cathedral
Lord I love you, Serve you
Order my words and my steps
That today I will not sin against You

Clay Corvin
February 23, 2011