I am a child of God, Jesus forgave me of my sin, Christ lives in me
Jesus said not to worry, that He would take care of me, worry is a pain
Worry seeks to drown me, sideline me, upset me, abuse me, defuse me
Worry always says I can’t, Jesus says I can

I trust the providence of God, Jesus is Lord and Savior and I belong to Him
He calls me to live today and not become ineffective with worry
I don’t know the future but Jesus does and I can trust Him
Day by day, I confront my sin, confessing, changing, recommitting, redirecting my life

I count with Jesus, He knows me, what I need and cannot earn, where I need to go
I spend time with Him and He equips me for today, I find peace and joy in Jesus
Each day I begin fresh and new, thank you Lord for today, worry aplenty, salvation enough
I do what I do, I do it with the Lord, He works in and through me

People need me, everyone I touch has a need
It may be a smile, a listening ear, money, guidance, or prayer
I am needed, Jesus gives me value and worth, Christ controls me, Jesus leads me
Each day I am there, caring, helping, serving, as though the Lord Himself were there

How can I live free from worry? Trust the Lord
When I fail I will get up, when I am victorious I will be humble
Anyone that needs help I will give it, always giving more than I get
Day by day I will focus on Jesus, seeking His wisdom, doing the next right thing

Clay Corvin May 4, 2013