Hope, faith and love
These three
Build the foundation
For what I’ll be

Our hope, expectant hope
Triumphantly declaring
One day we will be with Jesus
We will exit the grave and be with Him

Praise the Lord, Our life is blessed, The Lord is King, He gives us rest
His mercy defining, refining, forgiving, enduring, therefore we live
Christ is alive, risen from the grave, coming one day, assuring us we will overcome

One triumphant day we will enter into His glory
Seeing what He has already given us
Christ is our guarantee
The Lord Himself guards it right now

Faith sees this, faith believes this, faith equips us to follow Him
Salvation has canceled our sin, destroys the power of sin, and will take us all the way home
His mercy creates the wait, evil is destroyed, God’s grace is in control

We choose our life, trials outfit us for heavenly clothes, no one can defeat us
We love Him, haven’t seen Him and yet we know Him
We believe Him, haven’t seen Him, but He is in us
His sure salvation, frees our life, fear not for Jesus is with us

Clay Corvin December 6, 2008