Insiders often say
I’ve got the power
It will go my way
Laughing in their heart

God spoke against the world
Evil now would no longer swirl
Around the hearts and minds of men
Goodness can reign within

Jesus came to Bethlehem
Cold and dark
Early night
The world ignored the Christ

Shepherds tending their flocks
Saw heavenly hosts proclaim
Peace on earth, good will to men
They came looking for Jesus

Quiet men of low repute
Smelly cloths and all
Entered into the cave
Telling why they came

Mary didn’t know their name
Stunned to silence
The angel had proclaimed
Her child would bless the world

Wise men came calling
Gifts fit for a king
Prophesying His life and death
Mary was stunned again

Mary and Joseph were little people
Without power or strength
Yet God proclaimed His power
The world would not be the same

People count with Jesus
People are empowered by God
Every path and journey
Jesus will be our guide
We don’t need great fortunes
Luck comes from God
His presence will keep us faithful
No matter the road we trod

Jesus is our answer
As we face the hurts of life
He answers all our heartache
In Jesus we have privilege and life
CC. 12/05/04