I loved you from eternity
I created the world for you
I gave you a stage to act on
A play written just for you

I sent you 7,000 promises
Written in my Book to you
Protected throughout the ages
Delivered for you to use

Yet you cry and murmur
Oh my poor life
Waddling away with evil
Each day filled with strife

Adultery is your specialty
Your life is overfilled
Why would one so fragile
Spurn the God who gives?

Forgiveness is available
Ask and you shall have
It requires a turn from evil
Obedience required to learn

Ask and I will bless you
Seek and you will find
Trust and obey and walk my way
Your new life is begun

Change is a given
Praise is a part
The world is a place of darkness
Salvation is from God’s heart

Clay Corvin 7/26/08