Category - General



What is it that beckons me to Israel
Christ is with me wherever I go
Something speaks deep in my soul
Jesus lives here, this is His place
Walking there reveals the reality
Of His walk on Earth
I know Him and now l see Him
Amazing that Jesus was really here

Scripture comes alive
The black and white in living color
I’ve seen His cities, I’m seeing His land
The miracles He works in my life
Were done in this land
Scriptural events are not myths
They are actual facts with real people involved
I see Him being baptized
His family walked here
His teachings were done here

The Judean Hills wrap around me
My gaze to the Crest
The gentle slopes lead up to the Holy City
Jerusalem just above

Always we go up to Jerusalem
It is the Lord’s habitation
He is calling us to His home
We willingly journey there
Seeking to know and be known
As we grow we know
As we serve we are known

I was told these things
Now I’ve seen these things
Jesus was in the flesh, alive and here

Clay Corvin



Hurting hearts, destroyed lives
Everywhere I look
Boys and girls living in strife
Parents befuddled and lost
Jesus came that we might have life
Abundant life

He is seeking the lost
A hand out to the hurting
Willingly identifying with the outcast
In Christ we find light for living
And life worth living
He knows where we are
He has come to us

The World says we have no worth
We seek to sear our hearts
All we see is failure and pain
Jesus comes to heal our pain
To give us value and worth
What we do has meaning
We are our brothers and sisters keeper
We can do those things that lift us up

Drugs are not the cure
Life in Christ gives us a new heart
A valuable life
Forgiveness flows like a river
To us, and through us in daily torrents
His grace is sufficient to meet our need

Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord of all
He is Lord of our hearts
He is Lord of our pain
He is Lord of our value and worth
In Christ I find the reason I need
To face the hardship of today
To dispel the pain of the past
To propel me into the future
Jesus is our hope

Clay Corvin
January 2, 2019




Let God speak first
When your world is undone
Your heart has sunk
Peace has run
No joy In disappointed-Ville

Cast all your cares upon Him
He is God and He cares for you
He gives to us
He desires to be with us
He loves you

He calls us to pray freely
Ask anything
He gives us only good things
He dispels our anxiety
Especially pain and heartache

Forgive me Lord as you begin
He will, He has, He does
Rich, deep and wide
His grace is sufficient

Know Him better
Lord as I pray
Reveal yourself to me
That I might grow
That I might serve
Help me to forgive
As I am forgiven
And wisdom for living

Help me to obey
Your Word
Your laws
Those I know and ignore
Things I’ve not thought
All of your direction

I will do as you say Father
Your way is my way
I will set aside my ego
Exercising self-control
Today you reign supreme in me
I am yours
Thank you on bended knees

Clay Corvin
January 1, 2019



Let there be light
The Lord declares
As the Word of God begins
Each of us in need of truth
Each in need of love

Christ came to the least of us
And any of us
Knowing our need for light and life and truth
The Holy One, God’s Son
Stepped down from His throne
Willingly sacrificing Himself to come to us

We are not alone, we have access to the light
We do not have to be blind
Unless we ignore God
For light and life is sent to us
Christ has come

Every day can be a hard day
We choose the way we will grow
Dead to Christ is blind to self
Alive in Christ is life and growth
He is seeking us
Let Him have your heart
It is a choice, claim Christ

Clay Corvin
January 1, 2019





New year, new day, new way
I will Lord, the key for me is: I will
Listen to your Word, hidden in my heart
Setting me apart, claiming my mind
Calming my soul
Your Word will make me whole

Walk your way, each day, every day
Conversations with you salted with quiet
Speak Lord, I will hear
You Lord have the floor
Scarred knees, broken heart
Your way Lord not mine

Surrender my ego, it’s not about me
A servant’s heart, needs galore
All around are your hurting ones
You’ve called me to help, to serve
Service is not a position of rulership
It issues forth from a loving soul
Love you with all my heart and soul
Love my brother, sister as myself

Forgive, forgive, forgive
Seventy times seven
As you forgive me, so I forgive others
Even those that are wrong, Father I forgive
Before they wrong me I forgive
When they are hurtful I forgive
When I am right I forgive

All that I do will be done in your sight
I will accept your correction
I will blaze a trail of joy and peace
My heart will be open, my life yours
Please do not give up on me
Lord Jesus I am yours!

Clay Corvin – Neve Ilan




New year, new day, new way

I will Lord, the key for me is: I will

Listen to your Word, hidden in my heart

Setting me apart, claiming my mind

Calming my soul

Your Word will make me whole

Walk your way, each day, every day

Conversations with you salted with quiet

Speak Lord, I will hear

You Lord have the floor

Scarred knees, broken heart

Your way Lord not mine

Surrender my ego, it’s not about me

A servant’s heart, needs galore

All around are your hurting ones

You’ve called me to help, to serve

Service is not a position of rulership

It issues forth from a loving soul

Love you with all my heart and soul

Love my brother, sister as myself

Forgive, forgive, forgive

Seventy times seven

As you forgive me, so I forgive others

Even those that are wrong, Father I forgive

Before they wrong me I forgive

When they are hurtful I forgive

When I am right I forgive 

All that I do will be done in your sight

I will accept your correction

I will blaze a trail of joy and peace

My heart will be open, my life yours

Please do not give up on me

Lord Jesus I am yours!


Clay Corvin – Neve Ilan, 12/31/18




Standing in glory, the Lord our God
Stepped down from His throne
Born in a dark world alone, only His faith to guide Him
We ignored Him, Praying, Prophesying, Promoting our own ideas
The Virgin was with child, her husband had great faith
The shepherds came, the Wise men came
The Father named Him Jesus, for He would save His people from their sin

We see Him going to Egypt, then in Nazareth
Grilled by the priests in the Temple
Then Baptized by John at Bethabara, tested by Satan
Teaching the disciples, eating with common people
Ignored by the Elite and Religious
He healed the sick, raised the dead, spoke to thousands in the wilderness
He cared for the weak, helpless and infirm; The very ones society disdains
Have you not heard, Our God is a mighty God, He is complete in Himself
His plans are not changed by the wealthy, or the wise in their own eyes

Christ came searching for you and for me, He offered salvation
Freedom from bondage to sin, a relationship with the Father
Family membership, life like God’s life
It was free, so that no one could boast, by His grace are we freed

He knows the end from the beginning, nothing surprises Him
The Perfect Son, fully man, fully God-Jesus our Savior

Now we see Him by faith, but in that day we will stand face to face
We will know Him, we will be with Him
He will never let us go-we belong

Clay Corvin
December 25, 2018






I will praise the Lord
With every breath I take
As unto heaven my joy I wake
Praise Almighty God
Praise Him-Praise the Lord

I will praise the Lord with singing
Joy in the morning
Quietly under my breath
His goodness forever
Jesus is my life
Praise the Lord

I will praise the Lord with my life
Looking at others with love
Honoring them as I honor Christ
Everyone is having a hard time
Be their healer, the one God uses
Lord I will praise you

I will praise my Lord
Telling one and all
About a Savior who came from glory
His love for each one
Whoever that might be
Jesus is the Christ
Who sets us free
Lord I will praise you

I will praise the Lord
King of kings
Perfect in every way
He is my strength
He loves me
Life is hard
I will stand before Him one day
Praise the Lord my king

I will praise the Lord
And live my life
Joy in good and bad
The world is imperfection
Jesus perfection
Praise the name of the Lord

I will praise the Lord
In holiness wrapped
Morning, the moment and night
Rings my heart with His Word
O Lord guide my path
Holiness and your Word
Praise the actions of the Lord
Praise ye the Lord

I will praise the Lord
With my offerings
Tithe and total
Everything I am I bring
He is worthy I sing
Praise our Holy God
Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord of me

Clay Corvin 11/20/18
On the road to Beersheva




A full life

Often strife

Injuries and disease

Hard fights all won

Now we are facing a setting sun

Joy beyond belief


I am blessed by our FIFTY years together

I deeply respect who you are and what you do

I cannot imagine life without you

Thank you for raising me

Guiding me

Helping me at each providential turn


Now we’ve made the full circle

We are back home

Our first love-our lovely town

Everything is working together

God is so good-giving you to me

I am truly Blessed














CLAY  – NOVEMBER 29, 2018




We have an awesome and mighty God
He loves us with a burning passion, focused
Undeterred by our faithlessness, He loves
His love is complete, eternal, without qualification
We come to Him as He calls us, always looking, always calling
We waste a lot of time ignoring His call

Life has a way of slipping by, we think tomorrow always comes
One day it doesn’t, we walk across the divide and face Jesus

His concern for us is that we are His way of calling all
We are His shepherds of humanity, we are to love, as He loves
Our call is to go into the fields white for harvest
We are His hands and feet, our life a representation of His love
We are our brothers/sisters keeper, we know the truth
We live His truth, we become the flesh and blood of Christ
We are calling the called, reaching out to the lost
The Cross is our reference point, sacrifice our mandate
We can take it, He heals our wounds
We can die, He has won the victory and He is the life giver

Lord we love you, see by the way we live
Lord we see your majesty, see how we love
People count with the Lord, they count with us
Help us Lord to plead with the lonely, to find the lost
Jesus we know you, help us to communicate our relationship
Today is all we have, we are but a breath
Life has great value as we give it to others
Jesus we believe, help our unbelief, today we follow You

Clay Corvin
Henry Hall, New Orleans
October 14, 2018