Archive - 2023


Praise the Lord-He is my revelation.Jesus brings the light, giving us life.Our hearts flooded by His gift of understanding. All we see is God’s gift to us.  Praise the Lord-He is thinking of me.His Holy Spirit resides in me.Bringing the...


THE CENSUS – 1 CHRONICLES 21 David was a shepherd boy, son of Jesse, in Ancient Bethlehem. He knew hardship.  He knew danger.  He was courageous.God called him to be King of Israel. The Lord said David was a man after...

The Census – 1 Chron. 21

David was a shepherd boy, son of Jesse, in Ancient Bethlehem. He knew hardship.  He knew danger.  He was courageous.God called him to be King of Israel. The Lord said David was a man after his own heart.  David...


We think about a lot of stuff.Most of our thinking is worrying, denying or negative.We don’t believe in ourselves.  We don’t believe that the Lord is going to take care of us.How do we change.  Start by thinking about the Lord. Learn to...


Believe God. Believe that He wants to be with you, So much that He sent His Only Son to die for you, To pay the price of your sin, ransom you, So that you could believe in Him,  Trust Him that He has cleansed you. Being with Him is His...


Not facts or fancy that put us here.Before the world began,In time before time,God spoke, He created,And He knew us. We are not a mistake.Not a happenstance.As difficult or hard as it may seem,God knows everything,And He created us-me, you...

SPOKEN – 2 TIM. 1:7

SPOKEN – 2 TIM. 1:7 – “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.” God has spoken, He cares for you.Your enemies will wring their hands in shame.God is not missing.He is here, carrying you in...