WAKE UP (MT 28:1-20) Rejoicing in the risen Lord, Praise God from whom all blessings flow Christ is alive, He lives in us, we are so very grateful, our call to arms is now Jesus came to show us how to live, His death paid our price for sin Now...
Archive - 2017
NEW DAY COMING! PALM SUNDAY MT 21:1-16 New day coming, a day of God’s presence, the land filled with His Word Jesus called the people to obedience, do what the Lord God says Listen to Him and obey, not your way but God’s way, that is the...
Born – died, everything we do is in that little dash, everything How can I make a contribution? I have no family fortune I’m certainly not brilliant, in fact I question my own intellect I learn slowly, repetition the key to most things I...
PROCLAIM Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be saved No longer at the mercy of the world, a mean and evil place The foolishness of His message, reaching out and saving those who believe I believe in Jesus, a faith that preserves my soul...
God in Christ came to man, our great need so clear All of us where hurting here, this place of pain and agony Each day of life filled with sweat and tears, the world in need of a Savior Jesus came in Bethlehem, the God/Man in a child’s form...