Morning light
Across the bay
Throwing off
The dark of night

Shining for the new found day
With the light
The Father’s sway
Evidence of joy

I’m the one
That seeks His way
He is King
Of night and day

But in the night
I often fail
Weak and frail
Assailed by the night

Fear and doubt
Will wander in
Suggesting things
Like you can’t win

Morning light
Across the bay
Throwing off
The dark of night

Courage comes
Upon the light
The Father’s strength
Lifts my heart

Now I start
The journey home
Today’s the day
It is all my own

Everyday is a gift
No more promised
No more missed
This is when I grow

Morning light
Across the bay
Throwing off
The dark of night

My life has its say
By the way
I live today
With Jesus in control

Building me to think
Helping me not shrink
Away from the flow
The world must know

The Lord is King
He gives for free
The grace we need
Salvation complete

I want do His work
Let Him decide my way
My life is in His hand
No more fear

The night will come
And I am here
The Father never leaves
His strength to face the dark

Morning light
Across the bay
Throwing off
The dark of night

Clay Corvin 8/28/04