I see my life
In physical terms
I fail to look at length
To see the things that are ruling
The spiritual side of me

Behind the veil
Where we cannot see
And yet long to be
All the things that matter
Are ruling over me

I want to know my value
The world declines to give
An estimate of my worth
And yet Jesus came and died for me
The spiritual side of me is valuable
Now I want to see

I ask for Christ’s forgiveness
He comes into my life giving me life
Now I see God’s estimate of me
The Lord of all sees all of me
And He, the Lord loves me

Christ opens up God’s riches
Seven thousand promises to me
And reminds that the Lord is living with me
Setting me free from foolishness and fear
Guiding me to live a life of value and worth

I see the needs before me
The Lord has invited me in
Now I will serve Him
Loving Him
And staying close to Him

Clay Corvin 01/10/04