Jesus thinks of you
Knows your name
Feels your pain
Taking you to the Father
You belong to Him

Your life in Christ
Changes everything
You have a friend in God
Listening as you speak
He will guide your feet

Inside of you is fear and pain
Jesus knows your need
He will spend time with you
Helping you grow
Away from the pain you know

Joy looks for you
Out of time with Christ
Lining out your life
Reminding you
The Father loves you

Daily you come near
To listen to the Word
As you read and hear
The Father has a job for you
Someone desperately needs you

They need to hear
What you now find dear
Your fellowship with the Lord
How He ministers to you
The way that He leads you

Everything you need
Is found in Jesus heart
Spend time with Christ
He will roll back the night
Your life will be a joy