I am sick
My life’s a mess
I make choices
Never the best
Even when I think it through
My choices come back
They make me blue

I’ve seen the way
I want to be
Able and strong
Kind and free
Not a thing, Not afraid
The world’s a place
Where messes are made

Jesus is the way
He changes me
Giving me His strength
To change the way
I face each day
Wise and strong
An encourager
Able to deal with wrong

I can finally be me
His love sets me free
He died for
That I might live
With Him now and in eternity
Giving me sight
To see the evil I do
Throwing off my chains
Christ equips my life

I can care for you
Each day I know my way
The Lord cares for me
He talks with me
And tells me truth
Equipping me to be
A servant able to hear
The pain and need you have
Telling you about Christ
He can give you life

Clay Corvin 9/11/04