Faith comes by hearing. Hearing by the Word of God.
We live by God’s rule. His love. We yearn to be like Him.
Moses knew Him-face to face. God said they were friends.
Desperately I desire to be a friend of God. Deuteronomy explains HOW.
GOD loves man. He created us from the dust and breathed His spirit into us.
He chose us and makes us Holy. Calling us to Himself for life.
We obey Him because He loves us. We desire to be with Him.
Our limitations are huge. Our wisdom is small. God will lead us.
Jesus quotes Deuteronomy the most of any of the New Testament writers.
They all focus on loving God and keeping His commandments.
That is Deuteronomy. It is our life blood that pulls us to God.
Moses laws seek to explain how desperately we need God. Every moment.
“If you love me, Keep my commandments.”
Search the book for God’s wisdom. Search the book for God’s love.
Note how special you are. You are the beloved of God.
God is very direct about His requirements for us to be in a relationship with Him.
It’s always God’s way or man’s way. Our default is arrogance and doing it our way.
God says that is the road to destruction. All of us like sheep are led astray.
Following God is life. Following self is death.
We live by faith. We grow by God’s direction and wisdom. Knowledge is not wisdom.
Every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God is wisdom.
God isn’t looking for a tutor. He wants us to be a member of His family.
Only God, the infinite God can reveal Himself to you.
Thinking about God is foolish if you aren’t directed by God.
God is the center of everything. He is first. He is perfect. Remember His rules.
We are not the center of the universe. We can be a child of God but that is a choice.
Jesus is calling us to Himself. He would that no one die. Come to Christ. Jesus loves you.
Every step you take, every move you make is either towards God or always from God.
Live. Follow Jesus. He saves us from death. He gives us life.
Remember. Don’t forget. Let Christ rule in your life.
Read God’s Word. Remember God’s love. He gives the rules of life.
Follow God. He loves you. He is leading you home.
Clay Corvin
New Orleans, LA 70126
March 6, 2022