Boom, boom, something hit the ground
Seems it was my heart, questions all around

Did I do the right thing?  Is it failure again?
Will my life bear witness?  Or am I not God’s friend?

So much hurt and failure, impotent to change
I thought I was His shepherd, does heaven know my name?

And then I felt His presence, “I am here” he said
“Peace is not deliverance, it only conquers pain”

“Worthy is my servant, precious is your life
I’m there when you are failing, people can choose their life”

“I will carry you in heartache, the world will sputter along
Hurt and pain will come your way, feel it when you pray”

“Pray with fullest knowledge, I listen to what you say
Know that you have victory, when you let Jesus have His way”

Clay Corvin