Life is lived moment by moment
One moment strong
One moment weak
Too quick we lose our vigor
Too quick we give up

A moment to fail – don’t give up
A moment to succeed – be careful
Many lead lives of quiet desperation
Medicate it and we become an addict
Ignore it and it will gain the power to control

In youth we look pretty
Bones heal, injuries fix
Good as new we walk and run
Under the sun we age every day
One day we cannot run – walking is a chore

Our minds throw us off
They don’t see the aging
They don’t feel the waning strength
Until one day we are surprised
Life isn’t easy anymore – every day a chore

What can we do in a moment?
What can change in our situation?
Rejoice in the day!
Claim the joys of a life well lived!
Bend the knee to Jesus – let Him guide you

The competition isn’t between us
We are called to help and encourage
The value is in us – not what we do but what we are
Jesus our Creator calls us into service
People need the Lord – we are His hands and feet

A life well lived is our goal – Jesus changes everything
A life devoted to Him brings personal joy
What we give away cannot be stolen
Jesus is the reason we can seize the day
Life is lived moment by moment

Clay Corvin 5/7/16